my 10 rules of success
1. don't fart in public
2. don't eat yellow snow
3. don't go in public bathrooms ( parks especially )
4. be Confident in yourself
you can do it because you are cofident and if you are this you wont have to worry about being scared or shy again because you know your ganna do great
5. work hard
the more word you do and if you put your all in what you do, it shows that they can rely on you on whatever task at hand.
6 . respect anyone/everyone
in order to be respected you have to give respect
7. have fun
8. be yourself because you are you
9. be truthful
you would be truthful and people will trust you and know they wont have to worry because they know you trust worthy
10 be a ctr person 24/7
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
class evaluation
class evaluation
things that like about this class is that is that we learn about different people and how they contributed to us and how to be successful. also the free time because i found a website that lets me play a game kinda like super smash bros but its really fun.
i didn't like the five min goals journal but like most people i do have goals but i don't believe that will help make it come true i think if you really want it you will work your butt till you have sit. that pretty much it mainly because everything else still pretty cool.
your class is lit Mr. there is no way you or myself can improve anything.
the best times ive had in this class where the ctr card checkes mainly because i was never picked and sometime i didnt have mine and it would be so close to be, what a rush it was. also when you tell jokes they where cheese but funny keep it up mr you be voted class clown.

i really did try my best in this class but i know i could of done better. most of the time i was trying to finish so i wouldn't be left behind.
i am not reading my goals journal everyday im always working and i forget to read my journal . i know ctw but i will try to make more time.
i will try to be a ctr student from when i leave this room till i leave the school and start a new job i guess you can say that, thats going in my goals journal thank you so much ive learn a lot from this class have a great summer.
Monday, June 5, 2017
10 rules to be successful
1 visualize your goals
2. be the hardest working person
3. stay confident
4. do it your way
5. be creative
6. stay in the moment
7. better yourself
8. have an upbeat personality
9 be the best version of you
10. actions speak louder than words
these ten rules of success is the same thing that we have been learning in this class for the whole semester, sure there are something that have change in this but each and every one of these can be used in every thing you do. no matter what is in art sports and esc.
Monday, May 1, 2017
10 seeds of greatness
1.The Seed of Self-Esteem (Appreciate the value of yourself)
“From self-love to self-worth
Its good to have a good self of esteem its your drive to want to ecomplish more and better. the definision for self esteem: is confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect. "assertiveness training for those with low self-esteem" there some places and websites you can visit tou help build a good self esteem like you can visit this website,
2. the seed of creativity
this a great sed mainly because my whole life is built in it theres been more then once that i had to use creartvity, weather it was at work, at home, or here in school. no matter what there has been a situation where we all had to think creatively to make something woke. hwen we do project thats being creative. there many way to be creative i cant think of any more.
the def for creativity: the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.
3. the seed of responsibility
yes of coures this is a seed no matter what we do responsablitly is one of the the pionts and i know that its very important but comeon this is like our third time doing responsibility. the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone."women bear children and take responsibility for child care"
4.the seed of wisdom.
every one always look passed the older for help but what most may not know that they hold wisdom of there life time what they know and what they learnd and thats what we need to have and look up to, mainly to help us find out what we ned to do.
the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.
the soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
the body of knowledge and principles that develops within a specified society or period.
these are many definitions for wisdom.

5. the seed of purpose
this seed is the seed on how thing are made and the reason they are made. you make your purpose in life and the things you buy have a purpose of usage.
"the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists"
"have as one's intention or objective"
thes are two defonitons of pupose and practiclly say the something i did.

6. the seed of communication.
this seed we use every moment of every day. mainly because its all around us expesaly with all the technology thats been made the cell phones and more devices are used to communicate with others. nothing is better that an acuall convercation than to have over the phone or to have on by text message mainly because its more fun and thats how you get comfortable with others because not every job is going to depends technology if you want to be a loyer than your not always depeneding on a computer you need real talking skills and ou need to have some performance skills to get the jury to be on your side. there is plenty of examples but i think i written enough on communication.

the seed of positive believing.
this is a positive seed like it says it it tittle. mainly i think that this should be more into the public minded mainly because a lot of us dont have this in our mind set because we focus on how bad it looks or sound from our point of view but think maybe is was bad to us but to others it may be good. i had an experience had a bad performance that went bad but my group didn't think the positive way because to us it sounded bad. if i could i would tell them, in every loss there is a victory you learn what to do or not to do.

the seed of adaptability:
this is very important one manly because you are able to immune yourself in different situations. many good some bad or maybe even awkward or uncomfortable. but since your adaptable you wont have to worry about that. if you cant adapt learn to go places you never been to or talk to people you dont know because then you lossen your confort zone.

seed of perseverance
this is a never give up statement mainly because this word has the meaning of keep trying and the wiling to succeed. there are a lot of people who dont have this in there mind set but there are a good number of them that do and those people are the ones you see in the big offices and running big cooperation because they worked hard to get there.
the seed of perspective
this is a seed based on you mainly because on your perspective on the idea. thats what this seed is talking about and how you can help achieve their goal. the is a defonion inn use right now on pwerspective, a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. hopefully that helps

these 10 seeds of greatness will help a whole lot in your journey threw life. Maybe you wont use them maybe you will but you always have to remember that no matter these ten seed will always be there for you. with any situation one of there seed can help with that situation
2. the seed of creativity
this a great sed mainly because my whole life is built in it theres been more then once that i had to use creartvity, weather it was at work, at home, or here in school. no matter what there has been a situation where we all had to think creatively to make something woke. hwen we do project thats being creative. there many way to be creative i cant think of any more.
the def for creativity: the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.

3. the seed of responsibility
yes of coures this is a seed no matter what we do responsablitly is one of the the pionts and i know that its very important but comeon this is like our third time doing responsibility. the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone."women bear children and take responsibility for child care"
see you need to be resopnsable for people to trust you so they can rely on you not to know think you wont do anything and cant depend on you.
every one always look passed the older for help but what most may not know that they hold wisdom of there life time what they know and what they learnd and thats what we need to have and look up to, mainly to help us find out what we ned to do.
the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.
the soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good judgment.
the body of knowledge and principles that develops within a specified society or period.
these are many definitions for wisdom.

5. the seed of purpose
this seed is the seed on how thing are made and the reason they are made. you make your purpose in life and the things you buy have a purpose of usage.
"the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists"
"have as one's intention or objective"
thes are two defonitons of pupose and practiclly say the something i did.

6. the seed of communication.
this seed we use every moment of every day. mainly because its all around us expesaly with all the technology thats been made the cell phones and more devices are used to communicate with others. nothing is better that an acuall convercation than to have over the phone or to have on by text message mainly because its more fun and thats how you get comfortable with others because not every job is going to depends technology if you want to be a loyer than your not always depeneding on a computer you need real talking skills and ou need to have some performance skills to get the jury to be on your side. there is plenty of examples but i think i written enough on communication.

the seed of positive believing.
this is a positive seed like it says it it tittle. mainly i think that this should be more into the public minded mainly because a lot of us dont have this in our mind set because we focus on how bad it looks or sound from our point of view but think maybe is was bad to us but to others it may be good. i had an experience had a bad performance that went bad but my group didn't think the positive way because to us it sounded bad. if i could i would tell them, in every loss there is a victory you learn what to do or not to do.

the seed of adaptability:
this is very important one manly because you are able to immune yourself in different situations. many good some bad or maybe even awkward or uncomfortable. but since your adaptable you wont have to worry about that. if you cant adapt learn to go places you never been to or talk to people you dont know because then you lossen your confort zone.
seed of perseverance
this is a never give up statement mainly because this word has the meaning of keep trying and the wiling to succeed. there are a lot of people who dont have this in there mind set but there are a good number of them that do and those people are the ones you see in the big offices and running big cooperation because they worked hard to get there.

the seed of perspective
this is a seed based on you mainly because on your perspective on the idea. thats what this seed is talking about and how you can help achieve their goal. the is a defonion inn use right now on pwerspective, a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. hopefully that helps

these 10 seeds of greatness will help a whole lot in your journey threw life. Maybe you wont use them maybe you will but you always have to remember that no matter these ten seed will always be there for you. with any situation one of there seed can help with that situation
Thursday, April 27, 2017
The Ten Tips
- Make a commitment to tell the truth.
- Tell someone about your commitment.
- Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
- Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
- Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
- Don't indulge in little white lies.
- Watch out for silent lies.
- When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
- Talk to yourself.
- Treat yourself when you tell the truth.
These ten tips are helpful mainley because it helps you to be truthful. i think how chlidren are now i think theses should be past on. we should learn to be truthful look how the world would be without fighting, steeling, and more that make us people look bad. we'll be seeing rainbows and butterflies every day. but that all i got see ya.
Monday, April 17, 2017
what i did my spring break
i worked and cleaned my house then i played video games. i went to the fair, islands, in n out, relatives houses. i didn't meet anyone over my break. i watched fate and the furious and some 13 reasons. i stared to read this starwars book that recently got and very intrested in. my spring break was kinda boaring so i really cant wright about it
at the fair i did one ride and it scared my brother so bad that could stop laghing
i worked and cleaned my house then i played video games. i went to the fair, islands, in n out, relatives houses. i didn't meet anyone over my break. i watched fate and the furious and some 13 reasons. i stared to read this starwars book that recently got and very intrested in. my spring break was kinda boaring so i really cant wright about it
at the fair i did one ride and it scared my brother so bad that could stop laghing
Thursday, March 16, 2017
i saw that in the begining of the video then teacher passed out a test and and every one started to work on but this girl wanted to cheat and ask the girl next to see if she give her the answers for number 4 but she thought and said no. then it went to a medical school the guy seen that many of the guy stared cheated with papers, then this guy stated he would turn in the first person who cheated so they didnt and was the highest graduading class. in the end the girl said she would help the other girl with the question so she could do better next time.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
blocks of life
pyramid of success

The pyramid
Block 1: Industriousness
The first block it a very very important one. Hard work you always have to do it if you want to achieve whatever it may be. It can be school, work, or exercising you have to work hard to reach your goals and where you want to be. You can't go anywhere if you're lazy, you can only get so far if your lazy they dont really do much with there lives. But people with that are hard workers will work and work until they get what they really want. that why our parents today will make us do chorse and teachers help us in school. its just based on you and if you will work you hardest to be successful.
block 2: enthusiasm
this block is a good one only because it depends if you want to. we cant make you enthusiastic you have to choose to be or not but if you do it will make you succeed with greatness and you'll be able to accomplish anything to but your mind to because your enthusiastic about it. also i know there are things you dont want to do but you have to do, well i think if you train yourself in be enthusiastic about it you'll wont have to worry because when you accomplish it thats a best feeling in the world and no one can take that away from you because you know you really did it.

block 3: friendship
this one is a meh block sure friendship is good but it could be a weakness see friend are there to support you and there there to help but if you rely on them for everything you wont be independent so make sure you can do thing on your own but also have a helping hand. dont be dependent be independent
block 4 loyalty this block makes scenes because in order to be trusted you need to be loyal see trust in not something you have to billed it and earn it and the best way to do that is to be loyal. loyalty is something that persons actions are tested because thell see how long you line is (metaphorically speaking) until it snaps they test you to see how ;oyal you are to whatever your doing.
block 5. cooperation
cooperation is a good block because it in order to work as a team you and your team mates will have to cooperate to succeed. sometimes life throws us some challenges that require more than one person and in order to achieve it you must cooperate. lets make the world a better place by cooperating and working together
block 6: ambition
this block is hard to find because no one has it.Without ambition there is no way that you will achieve your goals either if they are long term or short term goals. An example of being ambitious is when you plan to do all your work at home and school work and you make a plan so you could get everything done. Ambition is the key to success in life. I believe this a path to success because you plan goals for yourself. It's like a life planning journal where you right down things that you want to do later on in the future. i may not have that much goals but i know you can be determine whether you have 100 or 1 goal a goal is a goal and it count if you achieve it. You need to be determined on what you want to do. Being determined takes you on the path of achieving your goals. When your ambition is big then the effects on it is that you will get a great outcome of what you are working in. its not just to be ambitious you have to combine it with something to make it effective.
block 7 self control. this is just common scenes you need to have self control period. you cant go around acting poorly with out manners or miss behaving. so this block is important but you should know how to act and how not to act in public or any where else at home that's one thing to do it where people could see you not right. also don't destroy every thing in site be respectful to other peoples stuff or you ll wont be trusted by others so ttfn ta ta for now.
block 8. Alertness
block 9 initiave
1. the ability to assess and initiate things independently.
"use your initiative, imagination, and common sense"
2.the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do.
"we have lost the initiative and allowed our opponents to dictate the subject" act or strategy intended to resolve a difficulty or improve a situation; a fresh approach to something.
block 10. intentness
1. firmly or steadfastly fixed or directed, as the eyes or mind:
an intent gaze.
2 having the attention sharply focused or fixed on something:

this is when you See a realistic goal and you will achieve it. you cant say i wanna be like superman and make that your goal because believe me that's a goal you will never reach like say you wanna be a cook that a realistic goal that can be achieved so make a goal not to easy but something you can work with.
block 11 sincerity. the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy.

block 12 adaptablilitly
block 13 condition
condition can have many many definitions so im going to explain the importans of most of them. there conditions like a mental condition which is something wrong with your brain. physical conditions are when your hurt and something is wrong with you in you body. if you pratic to get over thess thing you will be ctr person because not any one can do that
block 14: skill
in my perspective skill is a good thing to have there are many skills that you may have but dont think are. like cooking is a skill because not alot of people can do it. its practically a gift you have and you add more to the skill to become better then most people who have the same skill because thats whats going to make you stand out.
Block 15: team spirit
feelings of camaraderie among the members of a group, enabling them to cooperate and work well together. this is a fancy way of saying team work you have to have this like no joke mainly because you dont know if when you get a job theres going a assignment where you mat have to work in a group. all so you put your all in the group/tam your in show enthousim and encourage otheres because out in that fuild or court its not about you its about the team.
block 16 honesty.
this is a good block mainly because no one likes a liear. no one can trust anyone who wont tell the truth. i learn this the hard for awhile my parents didnt beleve me for a long time because i would always lie. but if you always tell the truth just know that your doing the right thing.

block 18 poise.
block 2: enthusiasm
this block is a good one only because it depends if you want to. we cant make you enthusiastic you have to choose to be or not but if you do it will make you succeed with greatness and you'll be able to accomplish anything to but your mind to because your enthusiastic about it. also i know there are things you dont want to do but you have to do, well i think if you train yourself in be enthusiastic about it you'll wont have to worry because when you accomplish it thats a best feeling in the world and no one can take that away from you because you know you really did it.

block 3: friendship

block 4 loyalty this block makes scenes because in order to be trusted you need to be loyal see trust in not something you have to billed it and earn it and the best way to do that is to be loyal. loyalty is something that persons actions are tested because thell see how long you line is (metaphorically speaking) until it snaps they test you to see how ;oyal you are to whatever your doing.
block 5. cooperation

block 6: ambition

block 8. Alertness
the quality of being alert.
this is the definition of alertness and a sentence showing an idea of alertness is. so now that you have an idea of this alertness is a good block mainly because you always need to to look out for good opportunities or look out for the bad as well, this dose not mean to be alert 24/7 but just be alert once in a while or you'll may miss something
block 9 initiave

"use your initiative, imagination, and common sense"
2.the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do.
"we have lost the initiative and allowed our opponents to dictate the subject" act or strategy intended to resolve a difficulty or improve a situation; a fresh approach to something.
"a new initiative against car crime"
As you can see this word as many definitions but this don't mean that theres only one correct answer but have different meaning depending how you talk about it. see these quotes say mostly how this block is. i think that this is a good just put it into practice then you ll be a good person yet. block 10. intentness
1. firmly or steadfastly fixed or directed, as the eyes or mind:
an intent gaze.
2 having the attention sharply focused or fixed on something:
intent on one's job.
3.determined or resolved; having the mind or will fixed on some goal:
intent on revenge.
4.earnest; intense: an intent person.

this is when you See a realistic goal and you will achieve it. you cant say i wanna be like superman and make that your goal because believe me that's a goal you will never reach like say you wanna be a cook that a realistic goal that can be achieved so make a goal not to easy but something you can work with.
block 11 sincerity. the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy.
"the sincerity of his beliefs is unquestionable. sincerity is important because its a good thing to have. in every dictionary i find it has to do with honestly so i must say something about that honesty and being truth full is a good aspect in life you should use them every day and be a ctr person 24/7.

block 12 adaptablilitly
block 13 condition

block 14: skill
the ability to do something well; expertise.
"difficult work, taking great skill"
synonyms: | expertise, skillfulness, expertness, adeptness, adroitness, deftness, dexterity, ability, prowess, mastery, competence, capability, aptitude, artistry, virtuosity , talent
"his skill as a politician"
antonyms: | incompetence |

Block 15: team spirit
feelings of camaraderie among the members of a group, enabling them to cooperate and work well together. this is a fancy way of saying team work you have to have this like no joke mainly because you dont know if when you get a job theres going a assignment where you mat have to work in a group. all so you put your all in the group/tam your in show enthousim and encourage otheres because out in that fuild or court its not about you its about the team.
block 16 honesty.
this is a good block mainly because no one likes a liear. no one can trust anyone who wont tell the truth. i learn this the hard for awhile my parents didnt beleve me for a long time because i would always lie. but if you always tell the truth just know that your doing the right thing.
the quality of being honest."they spoke with convincing honesty about their fears"
synonym: | integrity, uprightness, honorableness, honor, morality, morals, ethics, principles, high principles, righteousness, right-mindedness;
virtue, goodness, probity, high-mindedness, fairness, incorruptibility, truthfulness, trustworthiness, reliability, dependability, rectitude
"I can attest to his honesty"
sincerity, candor, frankness, directness, bluntness, truthfulness, truth, openness,straightforwardness
"they spoke with honesty about their fears"
block 17 resourceful this is another great one that should never be forgotten mainley because its the easest to follow but the hardest to loses track of it maily because any happens in the real world. you should always be resourceful not just for emergancies but just because may need to need something while your out.

block 18 poise.
graceful and elegant bearing in a person."poise and good deportment can be cultivated"
this a good one in the sense that there are many definitions and many pictures i didnt plan on seeing but i found a defining that fit this word just right see poise is a meaning of grace and alot of us should have grace mainly because its around us all the time. when you go to church you give grace then theres people the give grace to mother earth grace is so powerful that its it flows within us.

block 19: confidence
this is a good block mainly because in order to succeed in life have the best opportunities you have to have confidence. even if it seems easy its not for the fact that theres going to be time where you feel like you cant be something you want to be or do what some els doses and confidence fly out the window. i don't have confidence i feel like when i perform i feel that ill mess up in the middle of the song i know im not the best guitar player in the class but i know ill try harder.
block 20: reliability
this is an important one especially in the work place because a manager is not going to hire you if s/he dont feel like they cant rely on. this is something that you can do starting now like doing your chores without being ask or by doing thing that should be done and knowing that you did it because it was told to you and you did it with a good additude and did it correctly. "the quality of being trustworthy or of performing consistently well."
"the car's background gives me every confidence in its reliability"
block 21: fight
this interesting to the point that i know fighting by like trying to prove a point you just don't like someone so you fight. i think that this means to be competitive to fight for you spot in getting a job or something
campaign determinedly for or against something, especially to put right what one considers unfair or unjust.
"I will fight for more equitable laws"
this is the only way this makes sense to me being a person who hates violets i will fight back but ill try to find another way to control the situation
block23: competitive greatness
this is a good one mainly for the purpose of that in order to make it in the world you need to be competitive to become great. its like Microsoft someone is bond to pull off a better app/site online publishing. that Will be because they were competitive.
block 23:integrity

block 24: faith
this is when you believe on someone or something very much.

block 25: Patience
i do know why it on this list but i don't see how its on the top like its very important sure you need to have patience to be successful but its not like that's all you have to do. in my opinion i don't think patients is the best thing, i know that good thing happen to those who wait but sometime is you don't wait and you hustle your way through you can still succeed . this is the def.
the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset
now you if you have patience

1. the building block help us by trying to be successful in life by showing us the different ways to be successful. am not appliing nun because rght now i dont have to time to be trying to be more successful when im trying to suceed by comeing to tutoring and going to adult school.
3. the block will affect me in a positive way because i know that if i try these blocks out i will be a better man and a very successful person too.
4. i dont know how ill incorate these block in my life plans i just have to wait and see.
5. i will tell my brothers how they can be more successful and text my friends
block23: competitive greatness
this is a good one mainly for the purpose of that in order to make it in the world you need to be competitive to become great. its like Microsoft someone is bond to pull off a better app/site online publishing. that Will be because they were competitive.

block 23:integrity
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
"he is known to be a man of integrity"synonyms: honesty, probity, rectitude, honor, good
character, principle(s), ethics, morals, righteousness, morality,
virtue, decency, fairness, scrupulousness, sincerity, truthfulness,
"I never doubted his integrity
This is like you dont lie, your smart about your choices. this is a good thing to have because especially in the work place because your boss and every other manager wants thier workers to have great personality, good people skills and integrity.

block 24: faith
this is when you believe on someone or something very much.
complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
"this restores one's faith in politicians"
synonyms: | trust, belief, confidence, conviction; |
antonyms: | mistrust. |
that is the definition of faith. in some cases some people actually lose faith know what they do next. |
block 25: Patience
i do know why it on this list but i don't see how its on the top like its very important sure you need to have patience to be successful but its not like that's all you have to do. in my opinion i don't think patients is the best thing, i know that good thing happen to those who wait but sometime is you don't wait and you hustle your way through you can still succeed . this is the def.
the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset
now you if you have patience

1. the building block help us by trying to be successful in life by showing us the different ways to be successful. am not appliing nun because rght now i dont have to time to be trying to be more successful when im trying to suceed by comeing to tutoring and going to adult school.
3. the block will affect me in a positive way because i know that if i try these blocks out i will be a better man and a very successful person too.
4. i dont know how ill incorate these block in my life plans i just have to wait and see.
5. i will tell my brothers how they can be more successful and text my friends
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